Here are six highly recommended Visual Studio Code extensions that can significantly enhance your development experience:

  1. Live Server

    • Key Feature: Launch a local server to view real-time code changes.
    • This Visual Studio Code extension allows you to start a local development server and instantly visualize your code modifications in your web browser. It automatically refreshes your browser whenever you save changes, streamlining your development workflow.
  2. ChatGPT

    • Key Feature: Text-based AI tool for answering questions.
    • ChatGPT has become a widely used AI tool among developers, and this extension seamlessly integrates it into your VS Code environment. With ChatGPT at your fingertips within your code editor, you can swiftly access AI-powered assistance without switching applications.
  3. Icon Fonts

    • Key Feature: Preview and insert icons directly in VS Code.
    • Icon Fonts is a VSCode plugin that provides a comprehensive selection of icon fonts for use in your projects. If you frequently incorporate icons into your work and seek a convenient way to do so without creating or sourcing icons independently, this extension is a valuable asset.
  4. Auto Rename Tag

    • This plugin proves invaluable when dealing with numerous nested components in your code. Instead of manually adjusting both opening and closing tags, Auto Rename Tag simplifies your coding tasks by automatically updating the closing tag when you modify the opening tag. You can easily acquire this plugin from the VS Code Marketplace.
  5. IntelliSense for HTML and CSS

    • This extension offers code-completion capabilities, suggesting HTML tags, attributes, CSS properties, values, and units as you write your code. It enhances your coding efficiency by providing context-aware suggestions.
  6. Emmet Support

    • Emmet support is a time-saving tool that generates shorthand notation for HTML and CSS. It enables you to write concise code and then expand it into complete HTML or CSS code with just a few keystrokes, streamlining your coding process.